Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Reproductive Rights.

Unless you have a vagina, I don't care about your opinions regarding birth control and abortion.

There, said it. Reproductive rights, including, but not limited to abortion, contraception, "Plan B" (the "morning after" pill), family planning and sterilization are issues that affect the health and lives of women. Women are the authorities on their bodies, they are the experts, and only women should be making the decisions that affect their bodies.

Pissed off yet? Good.

Men play a large role in the creation of an embryo. Without sperm there is no fetus. That said, until governments, churches or medical professionals tell males that they have the collective right to milk them for sperm, or to castrate them at will, or force them to procreate, they need to zip both their pants and their lips.

Every female child born in every country on the planet should have total dominion over her body. No female person should have to face unwanted pregnancy, regardless of what her boyfriend, husband, father, doctor or priest has to say, regardless also of what her mother, sister or girlfriends think. Society has no voice in the womb, either. No woman should be harassed by pro-life groups, Planned Parenthood, Birthright, churches, politicians, or any other self-serving individual or collective with a gratuitous opinion.

If a consenting adult woman wants to bear one child, or ten children, on her own or with a partner, it should be her decision. If she opts to end a pregnancy, for any reason, it should be at her sole discretion. Some religious fanatic from Whoville, Alabama has no right whatsoever to tell a woman that she has to share her body with an unwanted embryo. All women must demand access to safe, clean and affordable termination facilities. Contraception products must be made available to every woman of child-bearing age. This has nothing to do with public opinion, the courts or morality; this is about one woman's right to determine her own fate. Every woman.

It's all about women. Their wants, their needs, their decisions. It's as simple as that.


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