Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Poor Karla Teale (Homolka).

Cry me a river, lady.

Karla Teale, aka Karla Homolka, has lost her bid for an injunction to prevent the media from covering her release from prison this week, and giving her ten days grace in order to get her life together before the press starts bird dogging her.

As if!

The murderer feels that she is in jeopardy, that because she is alone and without resources, she is at risk. Every criminal leaving prison faces difficulty. Many are virtually alone and without significant resources. What separates this criminal from most others is that she is universally despised and everyone in the country wants to know which neighborhood in Canada is unlucky enough to be home to "The Schoolgirl Killer." People feel, and justifiably so, that Karla Homolka remains a threat. People want to know where this monster is hiding, what she is doing, where she is travelling, who she is seeing. That's what happens when one is a stone cold-blooded killer with no conscience and therefore no remorse.

If this murderer was spending the same amount of time in prison as her victims, Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French, and her "forgotten" victim, her sister Tammy Homolka are going to be dead, nobody would have to fear for the safety of their daughters. And what about "Jane Doe", the victim who may never get justice? I'm certain she wants to know the whereabouts of her abuser.

She "fears for her life", but blames the incredible level of public hatred on the relentless media coverage her crimes received, not on the crimes themselves. This woman simply doesn't get it. She is a vicious, unrepentant, callous, narcissistic killer, and she deserves no compassion, no empathy and no breaks. If she spends the rest of her life being harassed and relentlessly pursued, so be it. If she never knows a day of peace, good.

There is no way she can lose as much as Kristin, Leslie, Tammy and their families have lost. She will never know the torment the families and Jane Doe still know. My hope is that her life is so hellish that she begs the Justice Department to let her go back to prison in Joliette, and they tell her to go to hell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you whole heartedly. This woman used the system to her advantage and once again tried to shield herself behind the cloak of justice away from the prying eyes of the public.

Puhleeze lady...sorry...I didn't mean to offend ladies, as she is certainly not a lady but some foul creature that crawled out of hell.

I hope people will start posting her photo, her address, her job so that we can all be aware of this monster's movements. Young women are not safe with her roaming around free.

She was not rehabilitated in prison, she carried on lesbian love affairs and is currently linked to a convicted and incarcerated murderer. Yep looks like Ms. Teale really turned over a new leaf.

I'm just surprised I haven't come upon the Karal Teale site yet with pics of her and her new abode. If its out there and I missed it - notify me!

9:49 AM  

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