Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Ayes Have It! Canada's Historic Day.

Stephen Harper is a jerk. I used to believe he was just a redneck and a bible-thumping half-wit, but now I realize he truly is an asshole. Stupidity can be forgiven, pure maliciousness cannot.

The jerk, as he will hereafter be known, is not only a loser, but a sore loser. Canada took a giant step toward egalitarianism today with the passing of the third reading of Bill C38. This is a momentous occasion, a reason for celebration, but the jerk wanted to go on record as saying that this victory for equality will have the stamp of "illegitimacy" because the Liberals needed the Bloc Quebecois to pass the third reading.

Does that mean every Bill passed with the help of the Conservative Party is bastardized? The short answer is yes, but not for the same reason the jerk used to insult the BQ.

The jerk says that the Bloc wants no part of Canada so they don't care whether they destroy Canadian society. The last time I looked, Quebed was still a part of Canada, and a big part, no less. This is not about Federalism at all, it is about equality for all citizens of this country, and Quebec, as a province, has always been light years ahead of other provinces when it comes to civil liberties.

Canadians have spoken, but the jerk has his head so far up his ass that his ears are blocked with shit. He sees a white light coming toward him and thinks it is God coming to ask his advice, but it's a train, its whistle blasting a death knell for his policies, his "vision" and his future in the political arena.

The jerk has threatened to "revisit" this piece of legislation when he becomes Prime Minister. It is to laugh. This man is so incompetent, so out of touch and so offensive that even his wife must be considering voting for the NDP in the next federal election.

Today I am proud to be a Canadian. Democracy works, and today this country showed the world that we are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to true equality. This is a day that will help shape history, and I know gay and lesbian Canadians who witnessed this miracle will remember where they were and how they felt when they were finally granted the same civil rights as their heterosexual families, friends and neighbors.

I'm hoping that the jerk feels compelled to leave Canada in order to find a country more in line with his moral compass. A country that shares his ideals. I understand it's easy to emigrate to Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates.

The jerk obviously hates defeat. Funny, one would think he'd be used to it by now.

Thank you Canada. Thank you Canadians.


Blogger ricky said...

Thank you Canada indeed. The day came too late for Steven and I. Still I raised a glass to the sky last night.

Collectively Canadians are richer

We will need to stop Harper. Thank you to the Three members of the CPC that voted for SSM. James Moore, Kenny, and prentice.

8:43 AM  

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