Friday, June 24, 2005

Who Does Bono Think He Is?

Okay, so the cult of celebrity has made Paul Hewson into "Bono~Superstar". The fact is that there are far better bands than U2, and certainly more genuine "celebrities" than Bono, and many, many more "normal" people working at eradicating AIDS, hunger, genocide and various other serious world crises. He's one guy who gets a lot of press. Some deserved, much not. A multi-millionaire with an over-inflated sense of his own importance is not a role model.

Okay, to some people that IS a role model, but come on, we're Canadians! We're above idol-worship here, right? Unless of course we're discussing hockey players......

It seems Bono takes his status seriously, though. He rubs shoulders with actual policy-makers and world leaders and all of a sudden he's not just a singer from Dublin, but an authority on the economic needs of the entire third world. And here we all believed it took insight, intellect, dedication, hard work, and ability to develop healthy economic strategies, but no, it really just takes a good sound bite now and again. Who knew?

The dude should give his head a shake! He's a vocalist and an opinionated man, but he has neither the education or the experience to advise any world leader as to his/her "responsibility" to erase third world debt.

When Bono made his proclamation that Mr Dithers should either follow his demands of a certain percentage of Canada's GNP (3.9%?) being dedicted to cancellation of third world debt, or stay home during the upcoming G8 Summit, someone should have told him to get over himself. Of course nobody did. That might lead to bad press. The fact that our Prime Minister is getting spanked by a publicity hungry and egomaniacal singer is okay, but we can't piss off THE Bono. His overrated band might not appear in Canadian cities on their next world tour! Oh the horror!

Paul Martin is the author of his own misfortune, of course. If he hadn't made himself into a total slut by having Bono speak on his behalf at the 2003 Liberal Leadership Convention, he wouldn't be facing the humiliation of being shunned by the beautiful people. Ah Paul, hoist by his own petard.


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