Saturday, June 18, 2005

Yet Another Reason to Examine Organized Religion.

....although describing Morman churches as "religious" is similar to calling pro wrestling "sport". It's a stretch. A very long stretch.

The Mormons have added child abandonment to their long list of abhorrent activities. They seemingly decided that child abuse, child molestation, civil rights abuses and polygamy were not substantial enough crimes to make their church a pariah to truly spiritual people.

It has been reported that one Mormon commune doesn't have enough virgins to satisfy the elders' needs to marry as many children as they can. They are eliminating competition by driving teenaged boys outside the city limits and telling them they are never welcome back to their families and communities. They give excuses such as a boy's sins of wearing short sleeved shirts or listening to compact discs as the reason for excommunication, but the truth is that child brides are a hot commodity and the old men don't want the young men messing with their "property".

I've known Mormons off and on over my adult life. It is hard to maintain relationships with "good" Mormons when one is an unapologetic Lesbian, but I have had superficial aquaintances. The whole cult of Mormonism frightens me, from the wonky "undergarments" all adult Mormons have to wear, to the fact that "Bishops" rule churches with an iron fist, and they can destroy individuals and families in the blink of an eye for such petty things as clothing choices and consuming beverages containing caffeine. Mormons have to jump through ridiculous hoops in order to be allowed to enter the "sacred temple", and they are forbidden, on pains of excommunication, to discuss what they see and hear inside the temple.

And what is the deal with Mormons referring to one another as "Saints"? One woman I once worked with called every other member of her church Saint....not even calling fellow parishoners "Sister" or "Brother" is that annoying.

The fact that women hold little value outside of being some "elder's" eighth or tenth wife pisses me off. As a feminist, as a woman, as a human being capable of distinguishing right from wrong it is appalling to me that our government allows this practice to continue in this country. I expect nothing of the government of the United States; after all, the President has yet to figure out that the war games he's playing are using live soldiers, not his boyhood GI Joe dolls. North of the 49th parallel, we know that polygamy, along with slavery and capital punishment, is archaic and has no place in civilized society. So why does Bountiful the Bizarre exist on Canadian soil?

My heart goes out to those "lost boys" who have been raised in such a way that they possess none of the skills required to be successful in the real world, but are being thrust into this new reality anyway, sometimes with as little as two hours to pack their belongings.

I do not believe in the same God Mormons do, but I have great faith in Karma, and these perverted old monsters had better duck, because what goes around, comes around.


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