Sunday, June 26, 2005

A Shaggy Dog Story.

And this one is, happily, absolutely true.

His name is Heathcliff. He is a stone deaf, ancient, arthritic Bouvier des Flandres.

Heathcliff was abandoned, left to fend for himself several months ago. He was crippled, missing huge patches of fur, malnourished, and had horrendous ear and eye infections that had raged, untreated, for God knows how long.

Heathcliff also had soft, kind, loving eyes that cried out for compassion and understanding. He has the noble grace and dignity that makes his breed so proud. His beautiful Bouvier head and gentle Bouvier nature won him many, many supporters and friends from the very moment of his rescue.

This poor, sweet waif was saved from some horrible fate by a kind-hearted person who did the right thing and called Animal Control. Heathcliff was rescued from the streets, given vet care, good food, exercise, a warm, safe bed, and plenty of love. Heath is an easy dog to love....he asks for nothing and gives much.

After many weeks at the Shelter, Heathcliff got really lucky, and moved into a foster home. Foster families are very special, they take on aged, sick, injured, and/or recovering dogs and care for them, love them, and then let them go to forever families when the time is right. It's a tough gig, and not many families can handle the emotional trauma, but some do, and Heathcliff was placed with such a family. They lovingly called him "Shaggy", due to his typical bear-like Bouvier coat. They nursed him to relative health, cared for his emotional needs, gave him the respect, understanding and love he so richly deserved, and today, let him go....

Heath has been adopted by another very special, very rare person. Not many people are willing to take on a medically unstable, extremely aged, deaf dog with the promise of caring for him for the rest of his life, however long that might be. He could live another three years, or he could be gone in three months, or three weeks. His new "mom" doesn't care about the quantity of time he has left, she only cares about the quality of the time. She fell in love with Heathcliff at first glance, and she vows to cherish him each and every day they are granted.

Some days are just good for the soul. This was one of them.

Goodbye sweet Heathcliff. May the remainder of your days be filled with warmth. You will be missed by all of us who love you, but this is what we have dreamed of for you.

Good luck good dog.


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