Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Not Everyone Shares the Joy of Our Victory. Too Bad So Sad.

The question was: What is your opinion of the House of Commons approving the same-sex marriage bill?
The poll results:
26% - I applaud it
63% - I condemn it
10% - Don't know/care

It seems as if 63% of the unnamed number of poll respondents don't like the idea of equality. Gee, what a shame. I'm then pushed to wonder how many slave traders and owners would have responded "I condemn it" if polled before emancipation, or how many men would have responded "I condemn it" if polled before women were finally declared persons?

Since the dawn of time inequity, unfairness, inhumanity, cruelty and systemic inequality has been employed to keep one group of people "in their place", thus enabling a second group of people to enjoy priviledges they did not earn and did not deserve. Be it gender, colour, creed, citizenship, sexual persuasion, culture, language, or a host of other differences, there will always be those who feel they are more deserving than others, just because they say so.

In fair and just societies, governments ensure that those who feel priviledge is their due are told, in no uncertain terms, that they are wrong. Regardless of how loudly they proclaim their superiority. Regardless of how many totally inappropriate allies they band together. Regardless of how much they rant and rave and threaten.

That doesn't mean they can't still proclaim their idiotic beliefs about their own importance.

So go nuts, Mr and Mrs We-live-in-a-nice-bungalow-in-the-middle-of-nowhere-important-with-our-two-point-three-children-and-our-golden-retriever-and-go-to-church-at-Christmas-and-Easter-and-have-"normal"-sex-once-a-week-in-the-missionary-position-even-though-we-rarely-talk-to-one-another-and-never-listen-anyway-but-we-are-straight-and-therefore-superior, keep deluding yourselves about how much anyone really cares about what you think.

Our Queer family is just as legitimate as yours.


Blogger orange said...

I've never doubted that a family of loving people is valid. Please don't let a few sore (right wing) losers bring any question to his victory. They can just suck it up as far as I am concerned.

10:29 PM  

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