Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Dubya is a War Criminal.

George W. Bush. The man is the elected leader of one of the most frightening countries on the planet, but nobody will admit to voting for him.

Nobody has ever tried to pass Dubya off as an intellectual heavyweight, regardless of the fact that he graduated from Yale. Graduating from a university does not equal intelligence, look at the scores of American athletes who get free rides, literally and figuratively, throughout their academic careers, and are barely literate when they leave the hallowed halls of academia.

Nobody has tried to use Dubya as an example of an astute businessperson, either. His daddy spent a ton of cash bailing Junior out of one failed business attempt after another. He couldn't keep a thriving oil field in Texas solvent...'nuff said?

Good soldier? Nope, not so much. Being AWOL is frowned upon in the Airforce.

Good father? Not so's one could tell from the behaviours and choices made by the Bush daughters.

So what is Dubya good at?

The President of the United States of America is a Very Bad Man. He's a war criminal, and he's damn good at that.

The President likes to come off as a decisive man, a guy totally in control. What he is, though, and what he appears to be are two totally different things. He sees what he wants to see, reacts like the dim bulb he truly is, lies and manipulates to cover his tracks, and is too arrogant to understand that he will eventually be held accountable for his actions. That's not decisive, that's delusional.

The war in Iraq never should have started. The "Military Intelligence" (what an oxymoronic term that is ) Dubya required was manufactured, served to him on a silver platter, and will eventually be the cause of his downfall. There were no weapons of mass destruction, there was no threat to America or Americans, and George W. Bush now has the blood of thousands of Iraqis and Americans on his hands.

That blood would also be on his conscience, if he had one.

The question now is, why are there still soldiers in Iraq? Why is Dubya continuing to carry on this charade? Why are the American people not demanding an end to this travesty? How many more twenty-something-year-old young people have to give up their lives to lend credibility to this farce? This never has been a legitimate military action, and has now stretched into a huge human tragedy that lives on to feed the President's ego.

Sacrificing American soldiers barely out of their teens, and sanctioning the murders of innocent Iraqi civilians are crimes against humanity. George Walker Bush is as guilty as sin.


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