Friday, July 08, 2005

Kelly Ellard. What a Waste.

Does Kelly Ellard get it?

Chronologically Ellard is 22 years old, an adult. Her attitude, demeanor and behaviour appears to be that of one much younger. This woman is 22 going on 15, she looks and acts like a snotty teenager. Does she understand the level of devastation she has wreaked on the family of Reena Virk, the child she murdered in cold blood? Does she comprehend the damage her actions have caused to her own family? Does she care, even a little?

It doesn't seem like it.

At 15, Ellard battered, stomped and drowned another human being. How does one come to terms with that level of violence in oneself? How does one live with the guilt of such a cold, calculated act?

In Kelly Ellard's case, one simply refuses to accept any responsibility for her actions.

If this brutal act had been an aberration, the court of public opinion might be somewhat more forgiving of Kelly Ellard. The sad, troubling truth is that Ellard has a laundry list of antisocial, pathological behaviours attatched to her. She shows a complete lack of understanding about appropriate, socially acceptable behaviours, and little or no interest in turning herself around.

What is society supposed to do to protect itself from seemingly amoral, vicious people like Kelly Ellard? How can compassion and empathy be taught to someone who basically has no regard for decency? What does life hold for this disturbed and disturbing young woman after she is released from custody?

My belief system does not include heaven or hell. I don't believe Reena Virk has gone to heaven, where she finally has the respect and friendship she was so desperate to find in her short, difficult life. I'm not sure where her soul is, although I truly hope she is at peace. I don't believe Kelly Ellard will go to hell, were that it was so simple. Society can't pawn responsibility for Ellard off on the devil.

We're stuck with her.


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