Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Okay, "they" say that confession is good for the soul. I hope this makes my soul happy...

I have nursed an intense and pathetic addiction to codeine for years (many many years). I am a person who has, through "nurture" more than nature, developed a totally addictive personality. As a result I have always abstained from the use of alcohol and illicit drugs, having watched these substances destroy far too many members of my immediate family, taking the lives of several people I once loved. My addictions are more socially acceptable...Diet Coke, chocolate, over-the-counter medications.

With Christine's support and concern I finally went cold turkey. One day, the normal high number of milligrams of codeine, the next day, nothing. The headache was brutal, but it subsided after several days. The vomiting was expected, not pleasant, but not a surprise. The detoxification side affects were bearable, and faded with time.

Then, last week, with no warning and no mercy, I was hit with shitapalooza. We are not talking a minor bout of diahrrea, we are talking long-lasting, making deals with God, painful, embarrassing, wishing for a quick death shit-o-rama.

I went to my doctor today, and now, to add insult to injury, I need to provide a stool sample, just to make sure sheer stupidity is at fault here, and not some bug or dreaded disease.

The good news? I'm no longer waking up every day with a blinding "rebound headache". For the first time I can remember in many years....more than a decade and a half anyway, I go for days without a headache. The vomiting has stopped. I feel a sense of accomplishment at having overcome this problem.

Now to find a way to end the Revenge of the Shit....with apologies to George Lucas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least the headaches are gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol. chris was right. this is kinda funny to read.

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sure is crappy (pun intended... I couldn't resist)these withdrawals huh? Having diahrea (damn! I can never spell that right!) is normal when stopping an opiate. Way to go.... I am very proud of your strength, honesty, and courage.... This is Faith BTW.... I forgot my assword, I mean password...

11:11 PM  

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