Sunday, May 15, 2005

National "Teeth Optional" Day.

Oh. My.

Yesterday was one of those days. I dealt with the usual assortment of freaks, geeks and truly frightening people, but the day was made memorable by the fact that I had to have serious conversations with not one, not two , but THREE people who were celebrating National "Teeth Optional Day".

Who answers the front door without putting in her/his teeth first?? People in Vancouver, that's who! Casual living is great, I'm totally into being comfortable, but teeth? Come on folks, gums are NOT sexy. If you insist on keeping your dentures in a cup in your bathroom, please get someone else to answer the door!

Shirts are nice, too. There is something sad (and gruesome) about beer-bellied old guys with more body hair than your average ape walking around naked from the waist up. Hotties....?

My worst fear is knocking on a door to have it answered by a toothless, shirtless chimp-wannabe wearing sandals and white socks. I know it's going to happen.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll go one better...license canvassing and had one guy answer the door in his tighty-whities :blech:

*MIGHT* have been ok if he was 30, ripped and wearing boxers but think middle aged, overweight, pasty, hairy.

Should have known his male dog was intact :(

10:41 AM  

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