Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Gordon Campbell is an Idiot.

That's not news, though, is it?

He's proudly telling everyone that British Columbians who earn less than $15 000 per year pay no BC Income Tax. Woo Hoo Gordo. $15 000 in Vancouver will buy you a tank of gas and a Slurpee.

Most of the people I know are marginalized. Low-income/no income, disabled, ill, substance addicted, non-caucasian, and identifying as something other than heterosexual.....I have str8, healthy friends, but they are in the minority, and they are mostly unaware of the fact that they enjoy heterosexual, caucasian priviledge based soley on reasons beyond their control. They didn't earn their priviledge, and they can't lose it. Nice gig if you can get it.

I can't complain about my place in the universe, either. I'm caucasian, educated, employed, housed and healthy. That buys me a way of life that others can only dream of. The difference between me and Gordon Campbell is that I feel a responsibility to my fellow humans. I understand that hard work isn't enough, that luck plays far too great a role in the drama of life, and that Chris and I really are only a few paycheques away from Main and Hastings. Gordon Campbell doesn't get that.

I see old ladies shuffling along the sidewalk, some pushing shopping carts filled with everything they own, some talking to themselves, some just looking lost. These people are daughters, sisters, mothers, grandmothers, friends. They sleep in doorways, they get abuse hurled at them, they root through garbage cans in search of treasures. And worse, far worse, they appear to be invisible to Gordon Campbell. I guess his mother is taken care of. I bet his grandmother never had to go "binning" to survive.

I know other places in the world are far worse. We're here. It's bad enough, and until Gordon Campbell and his Band of Fiscal Firebombers see what their slash and burn policies are doing to real live humans, it won't get better.

Vote. If you don't vote, don't bitch, 'cause it's your fault for supporting the status quo.


Blogger Faith said...

Amen to that, Sister! I run a short term addictions stabilization facility in Chilliwack. It's so frustrating constantly turning people away because "there's no room at the inn." Sad also is the fact that we can continue operating on only $102,000 a year and our doors are set to close mid-July due to "lack of funding..." We have seen 45 men through our doors in the last 10 months and 21 of them are still clean and sober....

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb states:
"I have str8, healthy friends, but they are in the minority, and they are mostly unaware of the fact that they enjoy heterosexual, caucasian priviledge based soley on reasons beyond their control. They didn't earn their priviledge, and they can't lose it. Nice gig if you can get it."

That's harsh, Deb. So, am I to read that you, in essence, marginalize your minority friends by the simple assertion (and belief) that they are free-riders of privilege .... or am I reading your intent incorrectly?

9:34 PM  
Blogger Alphamutt said...

Wow Faith, the fact that 21 of 45 men who graduated from your program are still clean and sober is something to be celebrated. Managing success like that on budget of $102,000 is quite a feat.
Think about the sum of $102,000, people. How much money does the provincial government rake in from taxes on alcohol alone in a one year period? $102 grand is nothing to this government, but to facilities like Faith's it is survival.
One would think a Premier with a well documented substance abuse problem might understand the need for a service that aids substance abusers.....

11:31 PM  
Blogger Alphamutt said...

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11:31 PM  

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