Tuesday, May 03, 2005

...And so it begins

It was a dark and stormy night......

No, that's not it.

I'm new to "blogging", so I'm not sure whether this will be a success, or another reason for people to say "she's almost as funny as she thinks she is".

My blog is entitled "Fat People are Hard to Kidnap". It comes from a T-Shirt that says the same thing. Walking in a mall or on a crowded street in Vancouver while wearing the shirt has become a lesson in psychology. Everyone has a comment. Except on Commercial Drive, nobody said a word about the shirt on the Drive.

As an introduction, I'll briefly (I CAN do brief, really I can) mention the people who will no doubt figure prominently in any and every future post. I'm Deb. Refer to me as "Debbie" and I'll hunt you down and cause you pain. My partner is Christine. We were legally married in 2003 (and the world didn't end, who knew?) and live in a Co-Op in East Vancouver (We are SUCH a cliche!)

Our family consists of seven spoiled rotten furchildren. The dogs: Madison, Kirby and MacKenzie. The ShihTzu Mafia: Chunky, Jasmine and Clio. The cat: Bella. Chris has human family, mine is no longer relevent to my life.

I met Chris in Calgary. Yeah, Calgary, that wild-and-crazy destination for Dykes. She got me when she asked, "Do you want to meet my dogs?" No "You complete me", no "You look a lot like my future wife", nope, I fell hard for "Do you want to meet my dogs?"
We have the requisite freaks and geeks, friends, pains-in-the-ass and loved ones in our little world. Some are memorable, some will only be exorcised with intensive therapy or mind-altering substances. None are boring. You'll meet all of them. Fun times!

We have an election looming in British Columbia! As a political junkie, I'm stoked. As a jaded, cynical Dyke with a firm grasp on "the more things change, the more they stay the same" I worry that the rednecks and the frightened will ensure Gordon (honestly ossifer, I'm not under the affluence of incahol) Campbell is still Premier when the Olympics come to Vancouver. Ugh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And so my life becomes an open book on the internet....

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

of course. lol. what did you expect?

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor chris, all the secrets laid bare to the world LOL

At least you know Deb will be honest...brutal, up-front bordering on rude, but honest.

As one of two drivers-in-chief for a midnight run to nowhereland for the sake of a fair young dog, I'm proud to be considered a friend!

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the bloggin world. I'll email you the link to my blog of 3 years if ya want, Deb. As long as you promise to keep it secret. As in SEE KRIT. Email me if you want it.

8:55 PM  
Blogger Alphamutt said...

Only "bordering on rude"?? Damn, I'm losing my touch.

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you mean I'm not a friend?!?

I was trying to be polite for anybody who may be reading the blog...don't want to tell them the whole truth right off the bat!

11:33 PM  

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