Thursday, May 05, 2005

Dude, get an imagination!

I'm short. I'm built like a square (on short legs) . Were I about 11 feet tall, I might be the proper weight, but to say I am gravitationally challenged is to say water's wet. Yeah duh!
I also wear a uniform for my job. (Polyester, but that's another blog) People seem to think that any unarmed person in a uniform is fair game. Okay, so be it. Mad at your boss? Yell at me. Pissed at your partner, frustrated with your kids, hate your mother-in-law, just plain cranky? Take a shot, go ahead.....

....but please use your imagination!

I get so tired of "Fat Dyke". Oh, that and "Fat Bitch". Sometimes, for variety, I hear "Stupid Fat Bitch". It would be refreshing to have someone come up with new epithets and abuses to hurl. I mean much effort does it take to be a little more imaginative? I do all the work for the creatively-challanged, abuse spewing public. I'm 5'5" tall (when I s-t-r-e-t-c-h the facts to fit my needs) and weigh a whole lot more than I should. I have little to no hair, based on my mood and the season, I walk like a Dyke, I look like a Dyke, I'm very obviously a Dyke. It is not something I have ever tried to hide. And while one can mask or manipulate a few unwanted pounds. I cannot hide the excess pounds I carry; David Copperfield couldn't provide an optical illusion that big. Yeah I'm fat. It doesn't take Einstein or Stephen Hawking to figure that out!

People (well meaning but thick as bricks) say "it's not you they are yelling at, it's the uniform". 'K. My uniform is neither fat nor sexually active. Nasty people screaming "Fat Dyke" are yelling at me, not my polyester work clothes. plea, a simple wish, really. Come up with more thought-provoking, intelligent insults. Get a thesaurus, join Toastmasters, I don't care how it's done....

Oh that, and keep your dogs on a leash!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb - you are so NOT 5'5". More like 5'3" on a good day...when you stretch.

8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. i dont know if you should be making short person comments chris, the one who called me over to get a pot down for you. lmao.

11:55 PM  

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