Friday, August 05, 2005

The Rankin Inlet Brain Trust In Action

A child in Rankin Inlet was recently bitten by a rabid stray dog.

While it is tragic that the little girl was bitten and has to undergo treatment and deal with the trauma, it is also tragic that a dog has been destroyed due to ignorance and neglect of a community that places very little value on the lives of their animals.

A spokeswoman for the territorial Health Department in Rankin Inlet said that authorities will now take a "tough stand" on the problem of stray and roaming dogs. The citizens of Rankin Inlet have been warned that dogs at large will be shot. The solution put forward? The authorities are telling people to vaccinate and tie up their dogs.

There is so much wrong with this situation, it is difficult to decide where to start. Dogs are social creatures who need to be with their families, it is inhumane and irresponsible to tether them as a method of keeping them at home. The real problem in Rankin Inlet is that dogs are not routinely spayed or neutered and there are untold numbers of unwanted animals fending for themselves in a harsh and dangerous climate. Until officials take a stand on animal rights, sad situations like this one will continue. What exactly do the powers that be hope to accomplish by murdering innocent dogs in huge numbers? Until people are educated about responsible pet guardianship, there will always be more unwanted dogs to replace those shot by knee-jerk reactionaries.

People in Rankin Inlet need to take stock of themselves and their behaviour regarding pet ownership. They cannot blame dogs for being infected with rabies. It is a terribly painful disease that strikes dogs who are at the mercy of an uncaring and irresponsible community. It is the fault of the person responsible for this dog that a child has been injured. If the dog's owner had gotten this animal vaccinated and kept the animal at home, this incident would not have happened. Human stupidity has caused a horrible, unnecessary death for a dog, and a serious injury to a child. It was totally preventable.

If the people of Rankin Inlet cannot afford Veterinary care for their dogs, if they are not prepared to treat dogs as members of their families and choose to let them wander, threatened by wildlife, nature and gun-toting idiots, they simply should not become dog owners.


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