Thursday, July 28, 2005

Little League Girls Are Learning A Harsh Life Lesson

The British Columbia Little League Girls Champions, the Beacon Hill Majors of Victoria, have been told, in no uncertain terms, that they are second class citizens.

The Majors won the right to represent their province at the Canadian finals next month. They were no doubt thrilled at the prospect of travelling to Windsor, Ontario to compete against other provincial champs. This is a huge event for Little Leaguers, it is their World Series.

The British Columbia Little League Boys Champions from Whalley are making the trip to Timmins, Ontario, and their expenses are being covered by Little League Canada.

Not so the girls' team.

Little League Canada can tap dance around the truth all it wants, but the fact remains that these little girls are being told they are somehow less deserving than the boys. They worked just as hard, sacrificed just as much, and are just as worthy of praise, admiration and support, both emotional and financial, as the boys are.

To tell female children on the verge of adolescence that they are less valued and less important than their male counterparts is a terribly damaging and truly horrible thing. Society wonders why so many little girls grow up thinking they are ugly, dumb and/or helpless. This fiasco is a perfect example of why girls so often lack self-esteem.

Little League Canada owes the entire organization an apology for this short-sighted, hurtful decision. The only acceptable solution is to finance the girls' team, just as they finance the boys' team.

There is no other option.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read about this the other day. This is so typical. All through high school us girls had to fundraise, rob our savings accounts, beg our parents, and generally sell our souls just to travel to tournaments we won the right to compete it. Boys got new uniforms, expenses paid, and full support and coverage from the local media. It has always been this way and likely always will. It is so inherently wrong that even at the age of 16 I knew that this was just one more thing designed to make young women loathe themselves. To this day, even as an adult, the GVRD city parks boards prioritize field allocation like this: male children, female children, male adults, co-ed adults, and finally, female adults. We are constantly told we need to get involved in sports and be active and yet women are also told another message: that we are the least of everyone's concerns. Sport BC should be supporting these young women and the national little league association should be held LEGALLY accountable for their actions.

8:28 AM  

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