Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I'll Try Being Nicer, If You Try Being Smarter.

Is it just me, or is there a disproportionate number of mental midgets in our midst?

Nope, it's not just me.

Stupid people leave their dogs in cars in the summer. Even with the windows open a little it is too damn hot to leave a fur-covered animal in what amounts to a sauna on Vancouver's warm summer days. Leave Snookums at home, where he will be safer and happier, or fully expect to be accosted by a whole crowd of angry dog lovers and/or the Police and/or the SPCA and/or the City of Vancouver Animal Control Services when you return to your vehicle. Hopefully you don't return to a dead dog.

Stupid people take tired, hungry, miserable children grocery shopping at dinner time. Good God, people, do you really find it necessary to share your childrens' meltdowns with every other shopper at Safeway? Please feed your kid and let him take a nap, or leave him with a sitter, your parents, his other parent. Someone, somewhere must be responsible enough to handle little Precious for a couple of hours so that the other people who happen to be in the store when you arrive don't have debate which is a greater sin, murder or suicide?

Stupid people talk on cellphones (or put on make-up, shave, read the paper, eat food requiring a knife and fork, balance their chequebooks....) while they drive a piece of machinery big enough to kill a human on impact. How can you live with yourself, knowing that every irresponsible act you commit could cause devastation to an innocent person, or an innocent cat, dog, raccoon, coyote, skunk or other creature. You don't live in a bubble, Bubba, keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.

Stupid people are disrespectful to members of different cultures for no reason other than they are mean and intellectually inferior. What kind of thrill is the result of willfully hurting another human being's feelings? Stupid people don't look smarter to anyone but their stupid friends when they are verbally abusive to a member of a minority.

Stupid people litter, including throwing cigarette butts out of vehicles and tossing them on the sidewalks. If you must continue that gross and deadly habit, so be it, it's your life, but keep your filthy butts with you until you have a safe place to dispose of them. Littering is just disrespectful and the sign of abject stupidity, there are trash cans everywhere, use them.

Stupid people seem to think that their belief systems are more important than those of any number of other people. Not only that, stupid people think that they should be able to curtail the constitutional rights of others. I don't care whether you gained your moral code through being raised by racists, homophobes, the culturally stunted, the repressed, religious zealots, or by watching 100 Huntley Street and listening to "Dr." Laura. Your opinion only counts to you (and maybe your Uncle Dad), so live your little life, spend time with only those who think or look like you, and leave the rest of the world alone. If we all end up going to hell, you can say "I told you so." That's all you wanted anyway, right?

Stupid people believe everything some talking head on television or some disembodied voice on radio says or what some biased journalist writes is gospel. Thinking people, reasonable, intelligent people question, challenge and debate. Stupid people swallow their pasturized information whole.

The saddest thing? Stupid people seem happy in their stupidity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...



6:51 AM  

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