Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Why Did The RCMP Allow Brenda Moreside's Murder?

Yet another woman murdered by her partner.

Brenda Moreside was 44 when she was stabbed to death in February. Her common-law husband, Stanley Willier, in a drunken rage, broke through a window in the home they shared in High Prarie, Alberta.

Brenda Moreside called 911 just before 6:00 A.M. on Feb. 13, 2005, begging for help. The RCMP did not attend the "domestic dispute", and as a result, she was brutally murdered.

An internal investigation is being conducted, but it is doubtful that the findings will include some of the horrible truisms facing women in abusive relationships in Canada.

Many police officers believe that women can and should just walk away from partners who abuse them. Other officers think that "family problems" should be dealt with by the family. Then there are the Neanderthals who think most battered women "asked for it". Some cops are loathe to walk into a domestic dispute because of the danger to themselves.

Regardless of the excuses the RCMP comes up with, another woman has been murdered by another man who felt he had the right to take the life of his "property". At his trial, Stanley Willier will attempt to justify his behaviour, just like every other murderer does, but there is no justification, he murdered Brenda Moreside because he wanted her dead. He murdered Brenda Moreside because he could.

And the RCMP did nothing to stop him. They are not as guilty as Stanley Willier, but they are still guilty. The blood of Brenda Moreside is on their hands.


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