Saturday, August 20, 2005

"Focus On The Family" Is Obscene.

The "Focus on the Family" drones, (you know who they are, the members of the cult of personality run by James Dobson who think they, and only they, have God's private cell number), are dispensing advice to parents whose children might be gay. Yes ho-mo-sex-u-al, *gasp*! The horror, the horror!

Dobson believes, basically, that homosexuality is a "disease", and often refers to it as a "condition" ( like stupidity and arrogance, both of which afflict him?). As a disease, it can be prevented, and in Dobson's view, prevention means that boys must be raised in such a way that they grow to adulthood as manly men, and girls must be raised to be ladylike.

Golly Wally, gosh Beaver, if my mom had worn pearls while she vacuumed in her high heels, maybe I'd be straight! Jeepers Creepers, am I ever steamed!

Focus on the Family, whom I shall hereafter refer to as FUCK (Fundamentally Useless Christian Kooks) counsels parents to discourage "effeminate" character traits in their sons. There is a laundry list of "gay-encouraging" qualities that must be avoided if fathers want their sons to become masculine, macho men. Among the taboo behaviours: being "unaggressive", "uninterested in rough and tumble play", and "unathletic". Boys who are "artistically talented", sensitive and "overly careful" need more time with dad, less time with mom, and maybe a psychiatrist.

"Prehomosexual" effeminate boys and "masculinized" girls can be "helped", according to FUCK. If their families and churches can make them fully understand the fact that heaven will be out of reach because God won't accept them as practicing homosexuals, they'll willingly accept whatever "treatment" is necessary to put them back on the straight and narrow.

FUCK believes that girls who are forced to wear skirts and dresses, emulate their perfect mommies by cooking, cleaning and waiting on their brothers and daddies, maintaining good grades in Home Economics, the soft sciences and humanities, attending church regularly (daily where possible) and refraining from dating until their wedding days will grow up to be respectable straight women.

Boys who wear their fair hair short (but not too short), their pants long (but not baggy), play team sports (especially football), save themselves for marriage while making girls swoon over them, keep their blue eyes on the heavenly prize of meeting God upon death, all while acting like stereotypical Neanderthals by hunting, fishing and lifting heavy stuff, will grow up to be respectable straight men.

Focus on the Family's chauvenistic, homophobic, bigoted, self-serving swill would be laughable if it were not so damned obscene.


Blogger Deb said...

HA! I love your wit...especially the acronym for Fundamentally Useless Christian Kooks! haha Can I borrow that?

I'm a parent. All my kids are now young adults. Life is so short. I just want them to be happy and feel loved. And I just don't remember getting a handbook on how to raise them. Although I do recall some FUCKS trying to provide a handbook. But then I looked at their small fucked lives and thought...why would I want my kids to be like THAT?

I tried to raise them to love the diversity that surrounds us in all things....and to mind their own GD business.

9:25 PM  

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