Thursday, January 08, 2009

Stay Away From The Bushes!

It is to weep.

George H.W. Bush has stated that he thinks his son John Ellis (Jeb) has what it takes to be the third White House Bush.

God help us all.

George H. W. Bush, with his "Thousand Points of Light" speech, which cemented his right wing beliefs about the importance of the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer in schools, his full support of capital punishment and the right to bear arms, and his unwavering opposition to abortion, not to mention his famous "Read my lips, no new taxes" line, the Iran-Contra Affair (as Vice President to "Bedtime for Bonzo" President Ronald Reagan) and the Persian Gulf War, was Vice President for eight years and President for four. Had the United States not suffered enough?

Apparently not, because George Walker Bush (better known as Dubya) wanted to play, and after his machine stole the 200o election, the U.S. became this overgrown frat boy's playground. The horrific events of September 11, 2001 gave Dubya an excuse to ram all kinds of civil rights violations through the various levels of government, and overshadowed his lack of intelligence, grace, diplomacy and honour. When, 9/11 stopped providing him convenient justification for his "policies", Dubya maneuvered a war in Iraq based on non-existent weapons of mass destruction.
His highly creative enemy of the American people, the "axis of evil", was the new reason for any and every atrocity committed under his order as Commander-In Chief. His reign of terror has been responsible for Agu Ghraib and Guantanamo, unwarranted surveillance of individuals under the guise of the NSA, and a serious erosion of the civil rights of many Americans. I truly think this man should be charged with crimes against humanity.

The list of George W. Bush's many (many) sins includes the absolutely abysmal way in which his government dealt with one of the worst natural disasters in American history-Hurricane Katrina. The President made it abundantly clear that he was unwilling or unable to deal with the human tragedy that was occuring in his own backyard.

He shares, of course, the common Bush beliefs: anti-gay marriage, pro-the right to bear arms, anti-abortion, pro-capital punishment, and anti-embryonic stem cell research.

Oh, and he has left his country on the verge of a depression, nearly bankrupt, like many of the oil companies he started and destroyed back when daddy could still fix it all for him.

So now Jeb? He's another pro-life, pro-death penalty (although as Governor of Florida he suspended executions after a botched lethal injection), anti gay rights, give-em-all-a-gun Bushman. I'm wondering how one can be "pro-life" and "pro-death penalty". Oxymoronic, no? Emphasis on the moron.

Please, no more White House Bushes. Maybe some more trees, or shrubs, or hedges.


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