Thursday, July 06, 2006

Steve And Dubya Have A Play Date!!

Somebody decided that the two boys living next to one another ought to get together for a day of fun. For Dubya, it meant playing with the neighborhood nerd, sort of a mercy play date, but for Stephen, it was almost like being allowed to go to the skate park with his big brother. Dubya and his buddy "Steve", it's almost enough to bring a tear to the eye.

They chatted about the required agenda items, softwood lumber, passports, terrorism. I'm sure Harper talked slowly and used small words; after all, his host seems to be a functional illiterate, and thinking too much might give him a headache. Bush may be a mental midget, but he has power, and power is a huge aphrodisiac, especially to a guy like Harper. It'll never come to him naturally, nor will the respect or confidence of most Canadians, but at least he gets to hang with the big boys.

It's frightening that Stephen Harper sees George Bush as a role model. Bush is the leader of a country steeped in a history of war, a country that buys into its own belief that it is the preferred destination of every human on the planet. The American Dream is a nightmare, but most "folks" don't see it that way. 9/11 happened because of American arrogance and an inability to understand that much of the rest of the world sees the U.S. as a bully and a tyrant. The sad thing is that it will happen again, because the people who need to understand just don't get it.

Canada is not a "superpower", nor are we, as Canadians, targets for abuse and hatred when we travel abroad. Stephen Harper will never be George Bush (as if the world could handle another one, Senior and Junior are enough for one planet) because Canadians hold their leaders to task for their actions. Loose cannons are not normal operating procedure in Canadian politics (although we do have our share of wingnuts....think Hedy Fry, Svend Robinson and provincially, Ralph Klein) and a leader with the sheer disregard Bush shows for the laws of the land, the civil liberties of American citizens, and the rights of non-Americans worldwide is appalling. Americans put up with Dubya's "good old boy" crap.

Canadians never would.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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