Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Abortion: Woman's Body, Woman's Choice.

The Americans are scaring me again. It's bad enough that there are states in which a woman cannot get a legal abortion in 2006, but what's worse is that some states are trying to claw back the rights of women to terminate unwanted pregnancies years after women were granted those rights.

Dubya is sending troops all over the globe to ensure the rights of people who don't want U.S. interference, in countries that (correctly) see him as a war criminal, while in his own little kingdom, the basic civil liberties of thousands of Americans are trampled daily. Can you say double standard, Mr. President?

Roe V Wade was decided on January 22, 1973, and the vocal, obnoxious, fanatical, frightening far left seems no less fervent now than it did 33 years ago. The anti-choice extremists haven't changed much, but society has. Equality is the norm in most states ( but we all know that there are a hell of a lot of places in the U.S. where some are more equal than others) and women have a great deal more power, stronger representation, louder voices....

And yet, some women, lots of women, are forced to give birth against their wills.

Any woman, in any situation, for any reason, should be able to get a safe abortion. The only place for argument is at what stage is an abortion not safe for a woman. This medical procedure should be of no concern to anyone but the pregnant woman and her physician. Why can anti-choice zealots not get that? It is not the "right" of the sperm supplier, government, religious groups or society to tell a woman that she must carry a fetus in her body if she chooses not to. Tell some guy that an unwanted article is going to be implanted in his body and he's going to be forced to carry it for 9 months against his will, and see what happens.

Americans have many issues about which they should be concerned. This isn't one of them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take the pill, or some other form of birth control. Including making the man use a contraceptive. Why kill an unborn child just because you got knocked up? What's next, killing the babies after they're born?

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you can't handle the consequences, don't have sex. It's the only act that can be done and result in pregnancy, it is ridiculous that you can act surprised when pregnancy results.

I'm not advocating abstinence, I love sex. I'm just advocating taking responsibility for your actions.

8:44 PM  

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