Saturday, July 01, 2006

7 % Or 6%, The Grab/Snatch Tax Is Still Legalized Theft.

Harpo and his cronies have fulfilled their promise of dropping the Goods and Services Tax by one whopping percent.

Woo Hoo, now all those people who can't afford to buy fresh fruit and vegetables for their children, and clothing, transportation or any other basic needs for themselves or their children, can only dream of owning a home, taking a family vacation, providing a decent education for their children, finding a way out of grinding, soul crushing poverty, well now all their problems should be over! Last week every family was promised $100 per child under six per month, if the family applied for this child credit. Now 1% less tax! Look out Kitsalano, all the newly wealthy families from Strathcona will be moving in to your 'hood because of Mister Harper's largesse.


Our little Bush-wannabe sees himself as decisive, hard-nosed and "out there". His recent "gifts" of stolen taxpayer monies is very similar to Bush's returning stolen liberties to prisoners at Gitmo. It wasn't theirs to take (in Harper's defense, one of his distinguished mentors, Brian Mulroney, is to blame) but they act as if they are Santa and God mixed together when they make their ponderous announcements.

Stephen Harper is a nasty little troll who has proven he feels superior to the press, feels that his Ministers and MPs are his puppets, and they will follow the party line, his party line, or find themselves in purgatory. The electorate who caused his status as Prime Minister of the moment is beneath his contempt. God, Pierre Trudeau has returned, but without his style, class, grace and intelligence.

Spring election, anyone. The three billygoats gruff need their bridge keeper back.


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