Monday, May 01, 2006

Mamas Don't Let Your Girls Grow Up To Be Vicious.

I know a little girl who is 10 (although she may be 11, and if she knew I got her age wrong, she might be unimpressed, a year makes a lot of difference). She's not a "little girl" in the sense that she plays with dolls or wears pink ribbons in her hair, but to me she's a child, a normal, healthy, above-average kid, not a 40 year old sociopath in a 10 (or 11) year old's body.

Last month police charged a 12-year-old girl with three counts of first-degree murder in connection with the deaths of her mother, father, and 8 year old brother. Apparently her accomplice was her 23 year old "boyfriend". The fact that this child was into goth, punk and death-metal music, was being sexually abused by an adult who professed to be a 300 year old vampire, and had access to guns begs the question "Who the hell was responsible for this kid?" Why was this little kid allowed to be so vulnerable?

My thought, though, is when did this girl's wiring get so screwed up that she could actually go through with the massacre of her family? She murdered her baby brother. Her mother. Her father. In cold blood, with what is now believed to be calculated and meticulous planning.

Lots of kids seek out "alternative" scenes. Tattoos, piercings, the whole "punk" lifestyle. They see a much larger world via the internet, and have access to a big and dangerous, and mostly uncharted space that can eat them alive if someone isn't watching out for them.

There is a giant leap between a kid getting a tattoo to piss off mom, and beating mom to death. Lots of kids are angry, lots of kids hate their families, hate the world, hate themselves, but they don't commit murder.

Another 12 year old girl has been charged with aggravated assault after she burned a woman with a torch and left her to die behind a video store. The victim survived, but not because the kid wanted her to, strangers saved her life.

So back to my young friend. She is the kind of child I (maybe naively) think of as "normal". Smart, creative, sensitive to the needs of her fellow humans and a lover of animals. She has two parents who love and support her. She likes her scooter, loves to swim, hang out with her friends and play video games. She was born perfect, just like every baby, just like the kid who murdered her family, just like the kid who tortured another human being with a torch.

What went wrong?


Blogger "Mean Mom" said...

What went wrong? Maybe the parents fell for the stuff that says we're not supposed to make kids feel bad about their misbehavior. Sociopaths don't feel bad about their that really what "experts" want, for us to raise sociopaths?

7:41 AM  

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