Thursday, October 13, 2005

A Hero Died Today.

Beverly Parent, a 50 year old Surrey, British Columbia woman, died today as the result of catastrophic injuries she received while trying to save her 70 rescued cats from a house fire on Wednesday.

Beverly Parent dedicated her life to unwanted and forgotten cats. Young, old, sick, injured throwaways, runaways and ferals were loved and nursed back to health. Every cat in Beverly's care got needed medical attention, shelter, food and, most importantly, respect. Every cat had a name, every cat was loved.

Even before Beverly Parent succumbed to her injuries there were people rushing to label her a "hoarder", a "collector", a "crazy cat lady". Those are the same people who talk a lot about problems like cat overpopoulation, but do little or nothing to help. They are quick to judge others who act, but are slow to come up with better solutions. They know who they are, and they are despicable human beings.

The only people who should be judged, and judged harshly, are those responsible for 70 cats being hungry, homeless, sick, injured, and helpless in the first place. People who see cats as "disposable" pets, people who refused to spay/neuter their cats, resulting in unwanted kittens, people who let their cats roam, people who buy kittens from pet stores. Those are the people responsible for the deaths of 59 cats who could not escape the fire, even though Beverly Parent, a true hero, gave her life trying to bring them to safety.

Beverly Parent is now beyond pain. Her work here is far from done, but with any luck, her selflessness will spur others on to take up her fight for unwanted and abused cats.

Anyone who chooses to ignore the problem of homeless cats is as guilty as those who are the cause of the problem.

Rest in peace Bevely Parent, and the 59 feline souls who accompanied you.


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