Sunday, October 02, 2005

Bubba And Uncle Dad Are Keeping The United States Safe From Canadians.

The Minuteman Civil Defence Corps are on watch from their cars and lawn chairs, with binoculars at the ready, in eight northern U.S. states bordering seven Canadian provinces.

The volunteer group will have observers in Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and New York every day and night in October. Some posts will be on border watch 24/7, while others will allow for beer breaks and the occasional shotgun wedding.

Yee-Haw! The Rednecks Are Coming, The Rednecks Are Coming, Run For Your Lives!

Reportedly, this Militia-type group is concerned about the (seriously under-reported) influx of Canadians crossing over the U.S. border with bombs in their pockets, and they are prepared to sit in their pickup trucks, with Miller or Coors on ice, just waiting to pick off every illegal immigrant from the north that they see. They might also get lucky and nail the occassional deer or moose.

Just what the world needs, a bunch of inbred, trigger happy soldier-boy-wannabes with conspiracy theories jamming their little brains. Chances are they will only take out light poles and scarecrows, but the very thought that frontier-saving throwbacks have been allowed to organize is frightening.

I'm sure Dubya must be cackling with glee. His paranoia is contagious, and spreading rapidly.


Blogger Deb said...

gee....I'd better buy stock in those socks that plug into the cig lighter...

12:08 PM  

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