Monday, October 03, 2005

I Beat Anorexia!

Okay, so obesity is a scourge, the reason for every evil in the world.

Fat, to some, is a synonym for "ugly", "stupid", "lazy", "weak-willed", and fat-bashing is not only one of the last acceptable prejudices, overweight people are encouraged to be self-haters.

Here's a message to my beanpole friends, my calorie counting, iron pumping, splenda addicted co-dwellers of the planet. I'm sick of "well-intentioned" (read pushy and unwelcomed) hints that I need to lose a few pounds. I don't, I need to lose many dozens of pounds, but getting snide remarks and backhanded compliments will not push me to diet, although it may push me to push the person speaking off the nearest cliff.

I'm fat. I'm not "heavy", "fluffy", "plump" or "stout". I'm short, wide and not likely to change anytime soon. I will never morph into a Barbie doll, I do not wish to look like a supermodel. I am reasonably fit, very strong, pretty healthy, and, horror of horrors to the slaves to low-carb regimens, learning to love the body I'm in.

I have not used or abused our local emergency department in all the years we have lived in Vancouver. I see my doctor maybe three or four times in a bad year, use very little sick time at work, and have enough energy, stamina and strength to keep up with my herd of high-needs dogs. I'm fat, but not unhealthy.

I do not smoke, drink alcohol, use illegal drugs or engage in risky behaviours. I do not cheat on my spouse or my taxes. I try hard to be a decent, responsible member of society and a good friend. If I take up a little more space than my skinny neighbours, so be it.

As long as I pay my own grocery bills and am not a drain on the public health care system, I'm asking the willowy masses with superiority complexes and the slender citizens with perfect BMIs and the overwhelming need to preach moderation to their heavier associates to get over themselves.

Better yet, go eat a chocolate bar.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too beat anorexia.... ;-) Mmmmmm .... chocolate....

7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this totally went over your heads, didn't it, Mrs. I Have Anorexia and Mrs. I Choose to Dislike My Body.


11:01 PM  

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