Wednesday, January 06, 2010

I Sleep With a Buzz Saw.

And it's not Christine.

Zoe is a Shih Tzu. They are an odd little breed by nature, but Zoe takes "unusual" to a whole new level. She is a solid, compact rectangle of a dog....we call her Low Rider, among other things....many other things. She has these short little legs and none of them work in sync when she's running. She has a ball at the park, but she is toast when she gets home, and sleeps for hours. Poor little girl has to take twenty steps for every one of Kirby's or Sienna's. She's blind in one eye, the result of an old injury, and her sighted eye is a fair bit larger than the blind one. When she stares you down with that mutant eye, it's enough to send chills down the spine.

Zoe prefers to watch the world go by from the comfort of the middle of our dining room table. She's too short to see out the window otherwise. She'll spend hours spread out like Miss January. We've never really felt the need to ask her to move....

This dog sleeps in the oddest positions. I personally love it when she is flat on her back with her four legs all akimbo. She can be lifted and carried in that position without waking. It's like packing around a bag of sand with paws.

And speaking of sleep, Zoe snores like a 2-pack-a-day smoker with adenoid problems. Christine's C-Pap machine doesn't keep me awake, but Zo-Zo's snoring does. It's worst when she's dreaming or in a deep sleep, and that's the time one is most likely to be treated to a nice dog-snot shower, too.

Zoe's life used to be shit. She was nothing more than a commodity to some greedy bastard, but she knows she has arrived at the doggy promised land. There are few rules for her here, and none of them are arbitrary. She's not allowed to harass the Guinea pigs who can die of heart failure if badly startled, she's not allowed to fight with Gemma, although they antagonize the hell out of one another, and she has to go outside to do her thing. Not a bad deal. In return for those simple expectations, Zoe gets good food, lots of exercise, vet care (which she would happily do without), warm beds, toys and all the cuddles and love she can handle from her four doting humans.

Zoe is an amazing, loving, vibrant, funny, self-actualizing little buzz saw, and she deserves only the good things in life. That's what we've promised her, that's what she's getting.


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