Saturday, May 28, 2005

You can't keep us barefoot and pregnant.

I "overheard" one of those conversations that are meant to be overheard today. You know what I mean, two rednecks practically yelling their supposedly private conversation so that nobody is spared, everyone within fifty metres is forced to listen.

Topic of conversation? Men's rights, and how they have been eroded......although Einstein and Brainiac could not have come up with a word like "eroded", too many letters, too many syllables.

As I stood there, grinding my teeth to powder, blood pressure inching toward myocardial infarction territory, my internal dialogue screamed into overdrive.

Goddess, I wish I had the nerve to externalize my inside voice!!

According to Daryl and his other brother Daryl, women have all the rights. Women have "taken over" and men are now second class citizens.

How I wish!

I gave their whining, snivelling tantrum a lot of thought, and here are some of the "rights" we, as women, have:

The right to make less money for work of equal value.

The right to have serious illnesses blamed on "women troubles".

The right to be expected to bear and raise children, run a household, contribute to society and be satisfied with no salary, no respect and no recognition. The right to often juggle child rearing with caring for aging parents. The right to do this without support or compensation. The right to do it without complaint.

The right to be told that our manner of dress can be cited as a reason for being raped.

The right to see our female children treated as less than capable as their male counterparts in math and hard sciences.

The right to be called "bitch", "whore", "slut" and worse in music, movies and television on a regular basis. The right to be told to "lighten up" when we object.

The right to be told by Police that the best way to prevent sexual assault or harrassment while jogging or walking is to go in groups.

The right to make up 50% + of the population of the country and only be represented in Parliament by a total of 65 out of 308 Members. Provincial numbers, in most cases, are far worse.

The right to have more than 50 of our sisters go missing, seemingly without anyone noticing or caring, only to have their remains found buried and stored on a pig farm.

The right to be objectified, dehumanized and humiliated through pornography.

The right to be victims of murder in the guise of "honour killings". The right to have community leaders do little or nothing to curb this barbaric crime.

The right to be called "frigid", "Dyke", "ball breaker" and/or "tease" if we choose not to engage in sexual activity with a man.

The right to be told that "no" can mean "yes".

The right to be held to impossible standards by the fashion industry.

The right to be made to believe that "pretty", "thin" and "nice" are far more important than "smart", "decent" or "compassionate".

The right to be seen as the appendage of a male companion, not as an equal partner.

The right to be told that women who don't marry (men) and have children are somehow unnatural.

The right to be told that women are not fit to lead many of the world's churches.

The right to have millions of newborns and children of our sex murdered at birth, sold into prostitution or indentured servitude, bartered as commodities, subjected to genital mutilation, forced into arranged marriages and denied education, medical attention or any of the other most basic human rights.

The right to live in fear with abusive partners because there is so often no viable alternative, and the lack of support is totally debilitating. The right to be murdered by those abusive partners with frightening regularity.

The right to have 14 of the best and brightest of our gender be mowed down in the prime of their lives by a woman-hating narcissistic sociopath at Ecole Polytechnique.

Yes, boys, I can see why you are upset about all the rights women enjoy.

Go to hell. I hope Satan is a woman.


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