Saturday, June 11, 2005

Cranium, or How to Separate the Winners From the LLLosers!

Today is my beautiful Christine's 40th birthday. In honour of the auspicious occasion, we had a party at a local restaurant. All of the people who mean the most to Chris were invited, and most were able to attend. Very cool.

Conversation waxed and waned, and, as happens at every event our friend Wendy and I attend together, the topic of the Great Cranium Massacre came up.

Cranium is a game that uses all parts of the brain. It involves humming songs, sculpting clay, drawing (with or without the eyes of the artist being closed) charades,'s a lot of fun, and a great mental challenge.

Wendy and I are the reigning champions at Cranium. We, quite frankly, kick ass. And whose asses did we kick?

That would be the team of Christine and our good friend Nancy. Now, it's only fair to mention that Nancy played under duress, she's not fond of games, but one could ask whether the fact that she didn't really want to play had any real bearing on the outcome of this game. I think not.

We ruled. I think part of my brain became psychic and meshed with Wendy's, not because we are so in tune with one another's thoughts, but because my will to survive is strong, and I needed ESP to get the clues she was sending, or I would face the wrath of Wendy. No good could come from that.

It was a stunning defeat, but Chris and Nancy bore it with grace.....sort of. Chris accused us of cheating, and Nancy said something along the lines of "Halleluja, it's finally over!" We were gracious in victory, too.....again, sort of. We did a great rendition of Queen's "We are the Champions", and we only called them LLLosers for a few hours.

Funny, they aren't pushing for a rematch.


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